
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bon Appetit

Saturday I met two friends for lunch at a restaurant owned by another of our friends. It was fun to catch up with each other and enjoy a delicious lunch.

One person ordered this:

Two of us ordered this - ratatoui with pasta (Oishii katta desu).  I forgot to take a photo of the salad. We had cold coffee after the meal.

If you are in Shizuoka City, please go to Bon Appetit!


  1. Hi Pamela sounds like a wonderful place and the food looks very yummy xx

  2. My brother-in-law is going to Japan for a holiday later this year. I don't know where he is going this time (it is about his 3rd trip to Japan), but if he is going to Shizuoka I will tell him about this.

  3. Nice food, it looks a lovely place
