
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Work In Progress Wednesday - So Little Progress

I worked a little on the first block of the dogwood afghan.

I stitched this Japanese fabric butterfly to some other Japanese kimono fabric, in preparation for another bag.

I put a few more stitches into the miniature carpet.

Finally, I started making the beaded trim on some of the fobs.  

Just a little bit of progress.


  1. Great projects and progress!
    I like the beading on your fobs, beautiful embellishment.
    I have to get busy and get a new post up, I've been busy.

  2. I think you have made great progress - almost all the stitching is in small scale.
    It is interesting to see the process of making the fobs.

  3. Hi Pamela so much beautiful work,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  4. Any progress is progress! Each little step taken is one that you don't have to do again, and gets you closer to the finish. I have to remind myself of that from time to time when I feel like I'm achieving nothing.

  5. Pamela: I love the new start, dogwood bush's are my favorite bush.
    I love the fobs.
    Your butterfly is lovely.


  6. I love that super-colourful beading on the fob!
