
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Interviewed by High School Students

I was walking down the street in Shizuoka City when these students said "Hi, where are you from?"

I told them and they seemed very happy and started pulling out a clipboard as one asked me "Can we take an interview?" Of course, I said yes.  

There were about eight questions, I think. The first one was "Are you a tourist or a settler?" I thought "settler" meant someone who lives here, so I said I was a settler.  There were questions about whether I liked green tea, had I tried oden, what was my favorite restaurant in Shizuoka.  I suspect this was a summer vacation homework assignment. They told me they were high school students. All of us walked away from the interaction with smiles on our faces.


  1. Lovely experience for both sides: you and the high-school students!

  2. The same thing happened to me in Uji. The group was a mix of boys and girls though, and there was a lot of giggling going on whenever someone spoke English. I give them a lot of credit for approaching a foreigner and having the courage to start a conversation.

  3. Wonderful waylay on your walk. Interesting to use the word settler 😊

  4. Hi Pamela how wonderful to leave people with a smile on your face,bet you made their day xx

  5. Pamela: This post makes me smile, they look so happy, you are a very generous Lady to have given the interview.
    Have a lovely week.


  6. I'm catching up on my reading list. I hate to miss a post by one of my friends. This is so cool. Those kids had fun with THIS homework assignment.
    xx, Carol

  7. That sounds like a fun assignment for everyone involved.

  8. I remember when we were in Japan when three young girls in their uniforms came and asked us the same! Must be a regular assignment for kids. I think it's a great idea!
