
Saturday, August 3, 2019

The People's Choice SAL - Monochrome

Jo at Serendipidous Stitching is hosting a Stitch A Long the first Saturday of the month, with the topics chosen by her readers.  This month's topic is monochrome.

At first, I wondered if I had any stitching that was one color.  I surprised myself when I started looking through finishes on my blog.  I have quite a lot, mostly in my favorite color blue.


  1. So many nice things, the shawl is stunning and the cathedral windows are fabulous.

  2. Hi Pamela wow your are a clever lady what amazing projects you have made,i really love your blue and white hexie quilt,i can only imagine how many hours of work has gone into such beautiful work,thankyou for sharing all this eye candy my friend xx

  3. You are so talented and have so many beautiful finishes.

  4. So many beautiful finishes Pamela.

  5. Amazing show! Love the blue fabric patchwork, the black roses and your hardanger too. The white on blue stitching looks like a Wedgwood china. xxx

  6. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. You most definitely like blue! So many gorgeous mixed crafts, you are very talented. I love all the hardanger and the orange shawl too.

  7. Love all your pieces! Thanks for taking the time to post them all. And that orange shawl is gorgeous!

  8. That IS a lot of blue, as well as other gorgeous colours, but I think my favourite is that gorgeous orange yoyo shawl.

  9. Blue is my favourite colour so I must admit I love most of the things you show. AriadnefromGreece!
