
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nikko - Train Station

When I returned on the bus from Kegon Falls, I was ready to leave Nikko, but my trip wasn't over.  Here are some photos from around the station and of the train I rode from Nikko to Utsunomiya.

The train was very nice.  I wouldn't mind riding a train like this all the time!

Next stop, Utsunomiya, where there is more to do and see!


  1. Thank you for taking me along to Nikko via your blog, I haven’t been there and one day will. I love the pattern on the outside of the train.

  2. Lovely water features, that train looks comfortable.

  3. Interesting to see how Coke tries to make themselves part of every culture.

    The train does look nice.

  4. Hi Pamela ,the train looks very smart,what a lovely station xx

  5. The station building is alsi nice. I like train station buildings, both the historical ones and the modern ones.

  6. Hi Pamela, lovely to catch up on a few of your recent blog posts. I love to see your travels & adventures around Japan. Great work continues on your temperature hexagons, good work on being so consistent! Anthea x

  7. I like train rides. I used to ride the train into Chicago pretty often. The South Shore Line is a commuter train between South Bend and Chicago. I wish we had better train service in the USA. But the reality is that people mostly find other ways to travel here.
    xx, Carol

  8. DH and I enjoy riding trains and the Japanese ones look very clean and quick. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The exterior of the train station is especially beautiful. What a lovely spot to be.

  10. That really is a nice train. I'm looking forward to reading about your next adventures.
