
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Autumn Festival at Work

Every October, my place of employment holds an Autumn Festival for the employees. This year it was scheduled for Friday night.  With Typhoon 19 on its way, the festivities were cut short, ending at 7:30 instead of 9:30 pm, but many people still attended and had a good time while it lasted.

After opening remarks and welcomes, the entertainment began.

Beer refill people made sure no one had an empty cup.

The magic act was the absolute best!  The magician and his assistant were hilarious.  I don't know if you can tell, but the assistant's outfit is part kimono and part short skirt and heels.

Audience participation made it even more fun!

The ending to the evening was the prize drawings.  My friend won a four-pack of Aoi craft beer.  She shared with the other three of us.

I had a really good time and was sorry the evening ended early.


  1. That looks like a bit of fun. I normally hate work outings and do anything I can to avoid them. But none have ever involved entertainment like a magician. Cute costume the girl has on!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time.

  3. Hi Pamela oh it does look like a fun night,the food looks very yummy too,i think its great that your work holds these fun nights for you all xx

  4. Looks like the food was good at your Autumn Festival!
    Hopefully the typhoon didn't hit hard.

  5. Glad you all had a great time and I hope that all are safe. xx

  6. Lovely to see you all had such a great evening!
    I hope everyone is safe!
    Barbara xx

  7. That looks like great fun and a wonderful idea. I saw footage of the typhoon's damage on telly but I'm not sure where it was hitting and where you are. I hope you are safe.

  8. Looks like a fun evening. I have been thinking of you a lot and wondering if the Typhoon hit close to where you live.
    xx, Carol

  9. That looks like so much fun, and the food looks delicious too! Shame your evening had to be cut short, but better safe than sorry.
