
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Valletta, Malta

The Republic of Malta is an island country in the Mediterranean Sea.  It has a popuation of about 475,000 in an area of 122 square miles.  Its capital is Valletta and it has two official languages - Maltese and English. Malta was a British colony from 1815 and became a republic in 1974. The city of Valletta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Barrakka Lift - to get from the Grand Harbour to the historic center of Valletta, you can climb stairs or take the Barrakka Lift. The lift is 190 feet, costs one euro, and takes about 23 seconds. There are two elevators which can carry up to 21 passengers each, making a capacity of up to 800 passengers an hour.

This is the view from the top.

On to the Historic City Center...

I wanted to visit this church, but the line was so long.

When I first saw this boy in the phone booth, I thought it was kind of funny and took a picture.  Then, I saw him kicking and banging on the door and realized he wanted out. I pulled open the heavy door and he looked at me like he was going to cry, then ran away.

After my day exploring historic Valletta, I headed back to the ship for Azamara White Night.


  1. Wonderful views from the top, I don’t know how I would go in the lift, they terrify me. Beautiful images of the pale sandstone against the blue sky.

  2. I'm glad you let that poor boy out!

    It is funny, I have known many people from Malta, but I don't know if I've ever seen pictures from there before. It looks like an interesting spot to visit.

  3. Your photos are breath taking! There's that Meditteranean sun, gorgeous.
    And you rescued a little boy, I bet he was happy.

  4. Wonderful old town and beautiful buildings to see Pamela, that little boy must have been quite frightened.

  5. Malta is such a beautiful place with its honey coloured stone against the blues of the sky and sea.

  6. Hi Pamela awesome pics my friend of special places,gee the line was long waiting to go into the church,poor little boy just as well you could help him,Thankyou for sharing your lovely time with us xx

  7. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Poor little boy!

  8. Pamela: Such beauty in these old buildings, thank-you for taking us along with you.


  9. Thats a place I would like to visit. xx

  10. What a beautiful place!! I have been hearing "Malta" a lot lately and admit that I didn't actually know where it is or anything about it. You always take me to interesting places and include information about the places you go. So thanks again.
    xx, Carol

  11. This looks like a wonderful port of all. All I know about Malta (apart from some political meetings there) was that before she was Queen, Elizabeth and Philip spent some time living there. Looks just beautiful.

  12. Felix went to Malta with some friends after they finished high school, and they really enjoyed it - I can totally see why now!
