
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Shosei-en Garden

This garden is not as well known as some of the other Kyoto sites, so it was not crowded. It was nice in winter, but I can imagine the Japanese maple trees in autumn and the cherry blossoms in spring. The entry fee is 500 yen and visitors are given a nice color booklet.

Rinchi-tei Reception Hall

Tekisui-ken Reception Hall

Tairitsu-seki Teahouse

Kame-no-ko no ido (Tortise Shell Well)

Boka-kaku Pavilion

Shukuen-tei Teahouse

Shinsetsu-kyo Bridge

South Gate

O-genkan Porch

This is a great place to visit and is within walking distance of Kyoto Station.


  1. Lovely place and not crowds of people!

  2. It looks like a good hike and sightseeing opportunity.
    We have sun and warmer temperatures today, we got to see a Peregrine Falcon perched on a beach cliff surveying its
    territory on our hike.

  3. The photo of shadows is interesting!
    It looks like a beautiful place.

  4. I do love Japanese gardens. That looks like a lovely spot to visit.

  5. I like the shadow picture form the bridge. It all looks so serene and peaceful.

  6. What a pretty garden, but I agree that it would probably be even more impressive during another season!

  7. So beautiful and tranquil, Pamela. Sometimes those lesser known spots are hidden gems. I think this might be one.
