
Friday, March 13, 2020

The Little Pink Dress

My friend brought me her niece's dress and asked if I could repair it.  I looked at it and though I wasn't sure if I could, I took it and said I would try. 

The fabric was a little fragile, but I did my best.  I trimmed the fraying edges and split the binding so I could put the fabric edges back inside.  I stitched it by hand with invisible thread and replaced the snaps.  

I think it turned out pretty well. My friend and her little niece were happy with it. The little girl made me a thank you present - a box of finger puppets of her favorite characters.  I love it!


  1. Well done. You're very skillful!
    Beautiful thank you present!

  2. A lovely gift in return for your seamstress skills in repairing the dress. You did a wonderful job.

  3. You put a lot of seamstress love into that delicate repair (it must have been hard to work on a fabric that frays that badly), and got a lot of paper craft love in return.

  4. Well done with that tricky repair. And what a sweet gift!

  5. OMGOSH, what a sweet gesture made by the little girl. Just to read it and see the gift made my heart happy. If anyone can make repairs on that type of fabric it's you. Such a pretty little dress!
    xx, Carol

  6. You made a great job of those repairs. xx

  7. What a darling dress. And her thank you puppets are so sweet!

  8. Great job! It's always nice when your crafting makes someone happy.
