
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday Tutorial - Tissue Covers

These are fun and simple to make.  I used two squares of 13"x13" kimono fabric and pinned right sides together to keep the two layers together.

Using the machine, I sewed around, leaving a small opening for turning.

After turning right side out, I pressed flat and top-stitched.

I stitched two buttons to two opposite corners.

I folded the square around the tissue box and tacked two places for the buttons to hook under.

It's finished.  You can pull out the tissue when you want. When the tissue box is empty, unbutton and replace the tissue box.


  1. Beautiful and convenient! I′ll try it.

  2. Very clever design and clear instructions. The kimono fabric is pretty.

  3. What a cute idea and good choice of fabrics too.
    That's a gift anyone would use.

  4. That is lovely fabric. A very pretty gift.

  5. This is such a clever idea, you can adjust the size to fit any package of tissue paper.

  6. That is a nice simple way of making a cover - I shall giv it a try! Thanks. xx

  7. That looks easy enough even for me! I think I'll give it a try.
