
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

New Words for a New Time in the World

I've noticed quite a few new words or new use of words or words getting a lot more use than usual lately, having to do with the current situation in the world. Have you noticed it also? (If you know of or are using other words and phrases, please leave a comment.) I don't know if these definitions will make it to the standard dictionary, but they seem to be pretty common now. Are these words allowed in the game of Scrabble?

Blursday - not knowing what day it is because of quarrantines or lock downs

Covideo party - online parties, using skype or other video applications

Covidiot - someone ignoring public health advice 

Flattening the Curve - slowing the spread of the disease so that the health care system doesn't become overwhelmed. 

Furlough - my students did not know this word, but use the phrase "no pay vacation" 

Infits - clothing worn at home, during work at home or stay at home orders, as opposed to outfits 

Infodemic - information epidemic, often used to talk about misinformation

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

Quarantini - slang term for an alcohol beverage while staying at home (quarrantine martini)

Shelter-in-place - staying home until it is safe to come out again

Social Distancing - keeping a six foot or two meter distance between people to prevent the transmission of the virus through airborne channels (I previously heard this phrase to mean more of a mental distancing, but now it is used for physical distancing)

Stay-cation - stay at home vacation

Virtual Happy Hour  - the online cocktail hour 

WFH - Working From Home

Zoom (used as a verb) - using the Zoom video application for online meetings or get-togethers

The words I'm seeing and hearing and reading are in English. Do you know of words in other languages? Afterall, the coronavirus is worldwide.  

Another interesting thing about the new corona virus words is that the internet and social media are making them more accessible to more people. In previous health/disease outbreaks people were not as connected.  Do you think this will cause these words to be more lasting in the English language?


  1. I can think of the Japanese term Telework meaning working from home using the your computer or telephone.

    A lot of slang is derived from a stressful situation. I like the expression Quarantini!

  2. Furlough to me related to the war years when people went on leave! Will be interesting to see if these words stay with us.

  3. Social distancing, was never used before the covid era. I am seeing signs everywhere now.

  4. Pamela: This is great so many new words due to the virus, it amazes me.
    I would use them in Scrabble.
    I have heard the word video virus, everyone is using the internet to view each other, that in itself seems to be the new thing, they just cannot stop, people who never used it before are now doing so.


  5. Furlough would be allowed... I wonder if any of the others will make it to the Scrabble dictionary. But yes, all those terms are familiar to me!

  6. One I've come across a lot is just "iso". Short for isolation, but easier to say or write. It's a word that was unnecessary before this year, but now it's everywhere.

  7. I hadn't heard 'Blursday' yet. That's a fun one!
    I don't really know and specific German pandemic vocabulary, either. We mostly use the English ones too.
