
Saturday, July 4, 2020

The People's Choice SAL - Most Popular Designer

Jo at Serendipidous Stitching is hosting a Stitch A Long the first Saturday of the month, with the topics chosen by her readers.  This month's topic is "Most Popular Designer". 

The word Most means just one. I'm not really a super fan of any one designer, but I have stitched more than one design from several designers. Maybe these are the most popular designers with me.  So here goes --  

Tanja Berlin - I've stitched three of her blackwork designs. I took the pheasants class with her at an EGA National Seminar and stitched the other two on my own.

Dorothy Lesher - I've stitched three of her dragons. I think I took the Sundragon class with her at an EGA National Seminar, and the Dragonmaster at Calloway School of Needlearts.  The Moondragon was on my own.

Lynn Payette - both of these were classes at guild seminars.

Deanna Powell - both the beaded bag and the beaded shawl were classes at EGA National Seminars.

Denise Harrington Pratt - The box and the little toolies were a class at a regional EGA seminar, the small box kit and the many fobs were done on my own. I have no idea how many fobs I have made, but these are a few I have posted about on my blog.

Marion Scoular - the bee hardanger/blackwork piece was a class. The others were done on my own.


  1. You have had classes and learned from some wonderful designers Pamela.

  2. If there was a People's Choice of the most productive stitcher, I would put down your name!
    You really have an impressive collection of work under your belt. It must have been great taking classes from these professional designers.

  3. It's a treat to see so many finishes in one post. You have practiced well what u have learned. Tanja Berlin in one of my favourite designer.

  4. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. You have chosen some wonderful designers. I love the blackwork from Tanja and the dragons are amazing too.
    You have definitely made the most beaded scissor fobs!

  5. Wonderful blackwork designs and some gorgeous fobs and boxes. Interesting classes you have been able to attend,

  6. Oh my! That work is magnificent. Well selected, every one.

  7. Thanks for introducing to me to new designers.
    Your work is exquisite.

  8. Very interesting designer choices! Not ones I hear about often. I especially LOVE these dragons!
