
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Special Bags to Protect the Nara Deer

The deer living in Japan's former capital of Nara are considered sacred messengers of the gods and are protected.  In 1957 the deer were designated as national treasures.  While technically wild animals, they are pretty tame and beg tourists for the deer crackers that are sold all around the city's central park. In addition to the deer crackers, they eat  trash that tourists leave around.

Last year several of the 1200 or so deer that wander around were found dead after swallowing plastic bags.  One of the dead deer had more than 4 kg. of plastic in its stomach!

This year, new bags have been developed made from recycled milk cartons and rice bran. If the deer do eat the bags, they will not harm the deer. I think this is a great idea.  

Have you ever visited Nara and seen the deer?


  1. The edible bags are a great idea.

    The only place I've seen wild deer is in India.

  2. Good idea. Actually all shoppingbags out to be made from 'edible' material, and instead of throwing them away we could either eat them or put them in the compost.
    Yes, I have been to Nara and seen the deer. On my last visit I stayed up in the mountains nearby and there were lots of wild deer in the area. All of them are not in the Central Park.

  3. Wonderful idea, we need that for all plastic bags.

  4. What a great idea. For me, anything that can replace plastic is the thing to do. We have to watch out for our goats here. Sometimes I don't know where they find the stuff they want to eat.
    xx, Carol

  5. I've never seen the deer at Nara but did on Miyajima. Those bags seem like a good idea.

  6. Excellent idea! I hope the deer don't go hungry this year, with less tourists around.
