
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Work In Progress Wednesday - Kogin and Fringe

I did several thread lengths on my kogin piece.  I haven't worked on it in a long time.  Originally I thought this would be a bag, but I have many bags.  Maybe it will end up being a table runner.

I had forgotten about this project and it isn't even on my UFO list.  I enjoyed working with the wool and doing the stitching.  The last time I see it on my blog was August 2016.  I finished the stitching, but just need to make the fringe.  It's really difficult to pull out the threads. I have one side of the front done, so three more sides on the front and four on the back to finish it.


  1. Pamela: Your Kogin piece is beautiful, I love black and white together.
    I am so loving the wool piece, what a very primitive but beautiful piece.
    Have a great week


  2. Your kogin is beautiful, it will make a beautiful table runner. The wool piece is lovely too.

  3. Both these projects are so homely. I love the charming farmhouse and its willow. I bet the fabric is hard to unravel and make into a fringe. Good to have a audio book to listen to for tedious work.

  4. Your Kogin will make a lovely table runner and the little bag is so cute! xx

  5. I love both projects, but wow, your Kogin looks amazing!
    Well done!
    Barbara xx

  6. Oh, it's been a while since we saw both of those! Great job giving them some love.
