
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Best of 2020

What a long strange year it has been. Do I have anything to write about for a year end recap?  Mmmm, let me think.  

Well, I went to Kyoto for the New Year holiday.  

At the end of January, I went to the Tokyo International Quilt Festival. 

Ted came for a visit and we did some touristy things near where I live in mid-February.

I met with friends early in the year, before You Know What.

In early April, I enjoyed the cherry blossoms near my apartment by myself.

Over Golden Week, I visited some local shrines and temples that were within walking distance of my apartment, again by myself.

For most of the year, I went to work and stayed home.

In early November, I went on an overnight Green Tea Tour in my prefecture. 

Shortly after that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases started going up in Japan, so again, I went to work and stayed home.

I voted in the US presidential election.

I celebrated my birthday in December.  

And of course, I stitched a lot! You can check out my 2020 finishes here.

You know what?  In spite of the pandemic, I've had a good year and I am thankful. I'm also very hopeful for the new year.


  1. A busy year for you despite the inconvenience of the "you know what". It showed us that we can still do things and manage. I was ok as my husband works full time and I am on my own each day anyway, great thing was I didn't spend much money on petrol etc. I was determined to make do with what I had.
    Wishing you a happy new year and I hope 2021 is a great year. Looking forward to catching up.

  2. You had some great trips and times to explore despite "you know what" 😃. Great post.

  3. For me too, 2020 has been a year of work and stay home. I don't usually go travelling, but have not gone on any errands except grocery shopping. It has been a year of make do with what you have and being thankful that we can meet up online. I am also thankful I have not had any health issues.
    All the best for a much better 2021.

  4. I am glad to know you have enjoyed days amid COVID. Stay safe during Oshogatsu.

  5. I'm so glad you got to travel a bit before the lockdown and still be able to connect with your stitching group and attend a few things after. Japan has done a fine job with the virus. I send all good wishes for a beautiful new year much improved from 2020!

  6. I agree. It feels strange to say it this year with so many people suffering, but it hasn't been that bad for me personally! And I certainly got a lot of stuff done.
