
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Work In Progress Wednesday

The blackwork bands are coming along.  I enjoy this project.

This now needs to be finish finished into an ornament.

I came across the glass balls and decided to make some beaded ornaments.

Check back next Wednesday to see if I continue working on these projects or move on to something else.


  1. It is nice to see the pattern emerging on the top blackwork band that looked so random at first!

    You have lots of interesting projects on the go.

  2. Beautiful projects, variety is the spice of life!!

  3. Ha ha! I guess you will work on some of these projects and also on some others. I think you are the kind of person who needs variation.
    Lovely glas ornaments, they are suitable for the Christmas season.

  4. Those beaded ornaments are incredibly complicated and so elegant. And I love the ornament that just is waiting to be made up! All very pretty!

  5. I want to try these beaded ornaments myself one day, the look so pretty!
