
Tuesday, January 12, 2021



Every year in January, firefighting teams in Japan put on skill displays and parades at an event called dezomeshiki. Tokyo is known for one of the biggest events each year, with about 2700 professional firefighters participating. In addition to modern techniques used in firefighting, there is a show of Edo era (1603 - 1867) techniques. Edo (the previous name for Tokyo) was known as the city of fires, so the firefighters were very skilled.  Many buildings then were wood and close together. When I was in Hachijojima over the new year holiday two years ago, there was a parade with fire vehicles, but I didn't see Edo techniques or anything like in the Tokyo photo above.


  1. Pamela: I find that the Japanese are very talented, Mike told me about all the very interesting events they had while he lived there.
    He also told me about their game shows which he found to be very unusual compared to the game shows on tv here in the US.
    I hope you are having a great year so far.


  2. A couple of years ago a team came to our local Shinto shrine and displayed their skills. Amazing acrobats!
    I guess this year all these events have been cancelled around the country.

  3. That's pretty cool! Around here firefighters can slide down poles, but not climb back up...
