
Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Nose Wash

Sometimes my students tell me about things I don't need to know about. Don't get me wrong, I learn some great things from my students, but sometimes they tell me about things that are just plain weird (in my opinion). Yesterday one of them told me about the nose wash, a gadget he uses every day. 

                                (Photos from internet sales site)

Have you ever seen or heard of a nose wash? I had not.  It forces water through one nostril and out the other. My student said sometimes the water comes out the mouth.

I asked why? He said it clears his head.  (My head is pretty clear already.)

I asked if it hurt.  He said no, it felt comfortable. (My nose hurt just hearing about it.)

I asked if it was dangerous. He said no, it was healthy. (Really?) 

What do you think? Do or would you use one of these?


  1. I have no personal experience of this but I do know of someone using some kind of nasal wash to clear sinuses. However this was under medical instruction.
    It sounds as though your students maybe using it at leisure, which in my humble opinion is not good.

  2. If you had been teaching in India, you would have heard of this every day. Probably you would have been doing it yourself, too!
    Although I have not started practicing it yet, I have often thought about it. It IS a good way of clearing the head in that it cleanses out the sinuses and thereby enables oxygen to enter the lungs much more easily.
    The problem is the pain. It IS painful, just as getting a gulp of water in a swimming pool. The trick is to use the right ph balance, you need slightly salty water to avoid the pain.
    Go to any large chemist's and you will see lots of gadgets and solutions on display.
    Sorry if this was painful reading!

  3. These are quite a trend here in the States. I had to use something similar after nose surgery and it was awful!

  4. It sounds like another unnecessary product to me. And possibly a good way to introduce bacteria into an area they wouldn't normally reach.

  5. I have heard of this before but never tried it. Looks uncomfortable!

  6. Yes. I use a neti pot, which works similarly. It does sound weird at first, but it is very comforting when used correctly. A very helpful thing for sinus issues. Also helps make head colds less awful and lessens the chance of my asthma being aggravated by it. My spouse also had to use one after he had surgery in his nasal/sinus area. It helps to heal those tissues. Of course cleanliness and the proper mix of salt, baking soda, and (ideally distilled or sterile) water is important. Do not use plain water!

  7. For those thinking it is painful—I strongly recommend getting the premixed packets. The salt, baking soda /ph are just right and it is not uncomfortable at all and can be pleasant. And use slighty warm or room temp water. BUT Plain unsalted water is like snorting pool water and not the way it should be done at all.

  8. Many years ago my French Dr prescribed a saline nose wash. I was very good and tried it but it WAS NOT NICE! It soon went in the bin. I think I must have had a lingering cold or some such at the time. I could see the point of it but no. xx

  9. Not sure how I feel about this procedure.

  10. This looks like an interesting version of a neti pot. I tried to use one once because my sinuses were horrendous and my Dad had suggested it. I felt like I was drowning and quickly told my Dad to never suggest something like that again! For those that can handle it, it sounds like it really works but I will never know for sure.

  11. I share your opinion that sometimes we have too much information, maybe :))
    Regarding nasal washing, I only knew it in babies of a few months because they are not capable of blowing their snot.

  12. Pamela: Tw women in my stitch group tried a similar product, they were expensive ones, they both got infections from the thing, even after it had been cleaned and sterilized, I have a clear head I do not need some item to spend more money on.
    I hope you are having great weather a cool down today for only one day then 90-100 degrees tomorrow, hot oh so hot.


  13. I do that almost every day, but especially in allergy and sinus season. It does clear up sinuses. Makes a world of dif. You use a solution of salt and baking soda with the water. My gadget doesn't look that complicated -- it's more like a fat squeeze bottle with a wide squirting hole. You use 8 oz of water with the mixture or a packet you can buy. Mine is called Neil Med. They are very inexpensive and you just wash in hot water. They have some that are very pricey but they do the same thing. (It isn't at all painful -- the first few times it is an odd sensation but not painful. But then, my gadget is not very pointed or goes in deep so all going in there is the water. No worse than swimming.)

  14. I've seen people use these in movies (usually US ones), but haven't encountered one in person. I think they are also supposed to clear out the sinuses?
