
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mountain Day

Mountain Day is traditionally held on August 11th. This year it was moved to August 8th for the end of the Tokyo Olympics and celebrated Monday the 9th.

It was first celebrated in 2016 and is the only public holiday in August. The date was chosen because August is the eighth month and eight "八"  in Japanese looks like a mountain.  Eleven was chosen because the two "1"s look like a pair trees. That's what I've read anyway.  The holiday encourages people to appreciate the mountains. Does your country have a holiday to celebrate mountains?

Mt. Fuji - symbol of Japan


  1. Mountain Day is on my calendar -- but they still have it on the 11th!

  2. No such thing as a Mountain Day in Sweden!

  3. We don't have a mountain day, but I'm not surprised Japan does!
