
Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Morning Star Count - Year two and Week 24

I continue to work on the hand quilting of year two.I have quilted the hexagon flowers and will start on the seams of the squares next.

Year five of the temperature quilt 

Week 24 

October 10 - 16

79, 82, 72, 64, 73, 77, 72

I am reporting the high temperature each day.  My Year Five temperature/color scheme remains the same as previous years: 

100+ Brown 

90-99 Red 

80-89 Orange 

70-79 Yellow 

60-69 Green 

50-59 Blue 

40-49 Purple 

30-39 Pink 

20-29 White 

You can see my finished Year One Quilt here.


  1. What do you do while you are quilting? Do you listen to podcasts or audio books?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Pamela: I see a little green stepped up to show its pretty color.
    This is a lovely quilt, I admire people who quilt and even more so when they hand quilt.


  4. One green. It seems that it will not be long before blue appears.

  5. Looks like it's finally cooling down a bit - do you think year two will be finished this year?
