
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Work In Progress Wednesday

 I found a small piece of 18 count canvas left over from something else and started a new project, using perle cotton from my stash.

Puppy Love continues.

I made this on Saturday, so I would have it for "Hair Day" at the stitch group on Sunday.  Look for more of this story later in the week.

And, Year two of the temperature quilt is being hand quilted.  You can see it on Monday's post.


  1. Pamela: Hair Day I am really curious about the next post.
    Love the colors in the canvas design, so pretty.
    Puppy Love is adorable.


  2. Lovely stitching, as usual!

    I'm also looking forward to seeing the Stitching Group's Hair Day creations.

  3. Wonderful projects, love your stump work lady.

  4. All three projects look great. Puppy Love seems to be on a Very fine count- Aida? I'm another waiting for hair to be added.

  5. That new one will be very pretty. I love the colors.

  6. Your new project is very pretty, as are all the others!

  7. Sorry, I'm a week late in commenting. I am happy to see the hairless stumpwork portrait, how far you have come on the Puppy Love project and love the look of the new canvas work.
