
Friday, February 18, 2022

Ninja Museum

Close to the Iga Ueno Castle is the Ninja Museum.  It is probably a bustling place during the tourist holiday seasons, but it was pretty quiet in early January.

The first area was the ninja house where you could try out the ninja tricks. Some of it was a little hokey, but fun.

The  next area was a museum with a lot of interesting exhibits about ninjas.

I didn't put my eyes, nose, or hands near this.

Now I know a little more about the life of the ninja.


  1. Now we all know more about ninjas!

  2. The Ninja house and exhibited items are really amazing. I wish I could visit here.
    I have had a big desire to wear Mizugumo since I was a young child.

  3. I have been to the Ninja Mansion in Kanazawa and Kyoto.
    But you went to Iga,the home of Ninja. The exhibition and contents are very substantial.
    It's the best.🥷

  4. How interesting. I confess, the only ninjas I know about are the turtles, so thanks for this!

  5. How interesting! I always wondered how much about ninjas was real and how much fiction. Living in a house with secret passageways sounds like fun!
