
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tottori Museums

Tottori Mingei Museum of Folk Crafts - This museum was started by the father of Tottori's mingei movement, Shoya Yoshida.  There are around 5,000 works of folkcraft on display including pieces from all over Japan and overseas, all of which were persoanlly collected by Shoya Yoshida.

Tottori Prefectural Museum - the kind of museum that children and children at heart love.


  1. Both museums look interesting. You obviously had some fun on your trip!

  2. Great places to visit - I love all the wood and the pottery in the folk craft museum. xx

  3. I would LOVE visiting these spots! The folk museum is particularly interesting to me. I love the wood and the displays and I find folk arts especially to my taste and style. The natural history is intriguing too, and I really loved the photo of your friend/partner clowning with the dino! That's something like we would do!They both look terrific!

  4. Famous painting and works.
    I long for seeing it with my own eyes. I also like the exhibition that introduce personal collections held at the Tottori Museum of Art.
    Because I can feel history and think about stories.

    In ancient Japan,it was natural to sit on tatami mats.
    The table and chairs that appeared There. How surprise and wondered.😲
    Maybe, There must have been someone sitting in Japanese way on chair.

    Ninja are good friends with dinosaurs.🥷🦖

  5. Great places to visit, the ceramics look interesting.

  6. Seems like Ted had a lot of fun with the dinosaurs! I hope you had fun watching him as well.
