
Thursday, May 26, 2022

New Friends

One evening while waiting for the traffic signal to change when I was walking home from work, I met a couple who were also waiting. We struck up a conversation and decided to meet up one day soon.  Sunday was the day we met up and took a walk to nearby temples. They both speak English, which was wonderful for me. Despite the difference in our ages, we had a lot in common and a lot to talk about. I look forward to our next outing.

Here are some pictures from Tesshuji and Ryugeji Temples. (I also wrote about Tessuji here and Ryugeji here and here, with more photos and explanation, if you are interested.)


  1. A lovely encounter which lead to an interesting outing together!

    I was very surprised to see that enormous flowering opuntia. Not something I would have expected to see in a Japanese garden.

  2. How wonderful to find someone to talk to in English who is not a student! Students are nice, don't get me wrong, but as a teacher you are there to explain, correct and drill. With friends you never need to do that.

    Temples are always interesting, but so are the gardens that usually go with them. The cacti are fantastic.

  3. Lovely to find some new friends to chat with and share your outing. Great temples and gardens to visit.

  4. What a fun way to make new friends! I'm glad you had a nice day out with them.

  5. It's a wonderful encounter.

  6. It's always great fun to meet new people on the road. And lovely temple shots.

  7. It's a beautiful place. I think you make friends wherever you go!!

  8. Beautiful temple to share with your new friends. I hope you go on many more outings together.
