
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Monkeys Gone Wild


Monkeys are kind of creepy, but you can't help being fascinated by them at the same time. Before coming to Japan, I had only seen monkeys in the zoo, but here the Japanese macaque live in the wild. I've seen them at Snow Monkey Park in Nagano and when I was hiking on Yakushima

In Yamaguchi City, wild monkeys have recently started terrorizing the community. At least 58 people have been attacked since July 8th. Most of those attacked have been children and smaller adults. More than half of the attacks have involved women over 40 and at least six were children under ten years old. A four year old in a kindergarten was attacked, as well as a baby in a crib in a house. The creatures are going into houses through open windows and doors. One woman was attacked while hanging out her laundry and one man in his 70's was sleeping in bed when a monkey came in the second floor window and attacked him. So far no one has been seriously injured, but the animals are getting bolder. No one knows where the monkeys came from or why they are attacking.

Traps with food were set, but the monkeys weren't interested in the food, so that didn't work. It is so bad that the Yamaguchi city hall hired a special unit to hunt the animals with tranquilizer guns. People in the city are warned to close and lock doors and windows, even though it is hot.

Even though the Japanese monkeys live throughout Japan, this type of incident is rare. City official Masato Saito reported the monkeys tend to sneak up behind people and attack by grabbing at legs. Mr. Saito's instructions for what to do when confronted by monkeys: Do not look them in the eye, make yourself look as big as possible, such as by spreading open your coat, and back away as quietly as possible without making sudden moves. Some residents are now carrying umbrellas and tree cutting scissors as protection. 

I've heard of wild bears and wild boars attacking people, but this is the first time I've known about monkeys attacking innocent people. Have you ever heard of such a thing?  Why do you think they are doing this?


  1. I am sure Tanya can tell you more, but wild monkeys in Nikko are often fed by tourists who find them cute. The monkey population in Nikko have thus become used to people. They can boldly sneak up and pinch your sandwich or bag of snacks.
    In farming areas, many monkeys come down from the mountains to help themselves to vegetables in the fields.
    Why Yamaguchi City has become monkey infested is strange as the monkeys don't seem to want the food offered. Are they just out for some fun?
    Better keep your windows and doors shut!

  2. I am concerned, what do they do with the monkeys after they tranquilize them? I had not heard of this new development of monkeys attacking people, how interesting.

  3. I have never heard of a monkey attacking people, either. Environmental changes in recent years might be giving damages to wild animals.

  4. I've heard of monkey breaking in and stealing food, but them just attacking people is strange. Keep us posted if you hear any news on the matter!

  5. Monkeys can be very scary! They are smart, and have hands, so it is hard to keep them out of anywhere. In places in India we came across monkeys that have learned that the way to get food is to steal people's glasses, cameras or phones and not give them back until they were offered something they considered acceptable. A person we met had a big scratch across her face caused by a monkey grabbing her glasses off her face after jumping on her from behind. She had to have a course of anti-rabies injections just in case.

  6. This is interesting to me. I've always been curious about the monkeys of Japan -- some are so beautiful. But this is also the first time I've heard of them attacking without provocation.
