
Friday, October 21, 2022

Happy Birthday Empress Emerita Michiko


Yesterday was the 88th birthday of Empress Emerita Michiko. She continues with her daily routine of walking morning and evening with her 88 year old husband Emeritus Akihito. She also reads aloud from books after breakfast, according to the Imperial Household Agency. 

Due to the pandemic, she has refrained from holding birthday celebrations for the past three years. This year she received birthday wishes from her son, Emperor Naruhito and his wife Empress Masako at her residence.


  1. Pamela: Happy Birthday to the Empress, what a sweet looking couple, walking is a great everyday exercise, I walk an hour every morning and some afternoons.
    I love how they are holding hands, true love.


  2. That's right. Yesterday was the Empress’s birthday.
    It seems that Empress Emerita Michiko is spending her days taking care of her body.

    Princess Michiko is the first person to marry into the Imperial family, starting from the Private sector.

    I hear that Princess Michiko, who entered the Imperial family, made considerable efforts.

    Princess Michiko raised her own child for the first time in the Imperial family.
    Until then, it was customary for the imperial family to separate children from their parents and raise them by educators, including nannies, so I think there was a lot of opposition.

    There are many other challenges that Princess Michiko has faced,and each time she has faced opposition from the Imperial family, she has overcome them together with the Emperor.

    The Imperial family has demonstrated through its actions that it stands with the people and supports them.

    Empress Emerita Michiko is the Empress Emerita that Japanese people can be proud of.

  3. Is that first photo recent? She still looks so very lovely.

  4. My impression is that Empress Emerita Michiko is like silk, shiny, soft but strong. She has made the Imperial family come closer to the general public and also bond as a private family. She is MUCH loved by Japanese people.
    Many happy returns of the day.

  5. They look very happy in that picture. I think it was the right decision to retire and enjoy some piece and quiet at their age.
