
Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween!

Halloween continues to gain popularity in Japan but still isn't the big celebration it is in the United States. I enjoyed Halloween as a child - dressing up and going trick or treating and Halloween parties, but now it's not such a big deal to me. I have only two Halloween stitched items and I've shown them before, but since it is Halloween, I will show them again.  

Happy Halloween! 


  1. Lovely projects x when my children were young it was not a big celebration here in the UK… we have always had Bonfire night. (November 5 th.) In the village I live in now it is much the same …. And the bonfire is in the church car park .. right across the road from our house x VERY convenient x

  2. Halloween is something I only heard of in Peanuts comics as a child. A strange American custom like baseball and Valentine's day.

    Now commercial interests push Halloween (and Valentine's day) and younger people get into it but for me it just isn't a thing.

  3. Same here! Halloween is picking up some pace, but not really big yet in Germany either. I do love some Halloween stitching, though!
