
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Little Toolie Tuesday - Pins and Needles

I bought the chart for this little project long ago from a vendor at an EGA seminar and finally made it after moving to Japan. Then, I gave the chart away to someone else who also made it.  I like it but so far I only look at it because I have so many other toolie sets.


  1. I really need to replace my stork scissors. They're probably tucked in some bag somewhere that someone will find when I die! I could be using them with my felties!

    Love your embroidered version.

  2. I love the text! and also the hearts, they must be a kind of Rhodes Stitch hearts. Do you know the name of the stitch?

  3. I like the addition of the tape measure. That's very useful to have with a basic little sewing kit. The pretty little Rhodes hearts add a lovely bright splash of colour.

  4. It's cute! I like how the pin cushion part looks like a little mattress.
