
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Snake in the Toilet

What would you do if you raised your toilet lid and saw a big snake in your toilet bowl?

Two weeks ago, a 40 year old man in a second floor apartment in Sasa, Nagasaki prefecture opened his toilet lid and found a large snake. He quickly closed the lid again. A specialist from the local Environmental Hygiene Control Office came and removed the snake from the man's toilet.  It was a rainbow boa, a non-venomous South American snake that weighed 1.9 kilograms (4.18 pounds).

Officials at the police station were also notified, who thought it may have been a pet that escaped through the plumbing system.  This type of snake is sold in pet stores and no licensing is required to own these snakes in Japan. A few days later, the owner came forward, a man who lived in the apartment below where the snake was found. The snake escaped while the owner was cleaning the cage.  Evidently, the snake managed to enter the plumbing and climb up to the second floor apartment. Luckily, the snake is not dangerous and other than the finder getting a big shock, no one was harmed. 

I'm not especially afraid of snakes, but still, I don't want to find one in my toilet. This story will make me look before I sit down!


  1. This snake is adventurous. It may be boring to stay in a cage all day.


    Poor little guy. He belongs in a jungle. It's not right to keep them in little cages, or not keep them in little cages, for our amusement.

  3. I think it is very scary, but can also understand the poor snake. If I were a snake and confined to a small cage I would try to escape. Wild animals should have the right to be living in the wild!

  4. It's not April fool’s Day today, is it?
    Amazing news.😵

    I can't imagine opening the lid and finding a snake in the toilet bowl.
    It's horrible.😨

    It seems that it is not uncommon to have snakes. Some people keep alligators and ostriches.

  5. Hi Pamela: I am not afraid of snakes myself but would wonder how a snake got in my toilet.
    It is a beautifully colored snake and so long, I bet the neighbor will be better prepared to keep the snake in check while cleaning the cage next time.
    Have a great day.


  6. I would scream. Then I would move.

  7. The FLIGHT response would have kicked in and I would have been away over the horizon!!

  8. I'd probably react the same as that man did - quickly close the lid, maybe put something heavy on it, and call for help! I just hope I'd notice the snake before peeing on its head...
