
Sunday, December 18, 2022

2022 Kanji of the Year


Every year, the general public votes in a poll run by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation for the kanji of the year.  Based on international conflicts, especially Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it was no surprise that the character (戦), meaning war was chosen this year. Out of the 223,700 votes, this character, sen, received the highest number with 10,804. Second place was yasu(安), meaning weak, in reference to the weak yen, getting 10,616 votes.  

In Kyoto, chief Buddhist priest Seihan Mori of Kiyomizu temple made the announcement by writing the character with a giant calligraphy brush on Japanese paper at the temple. This is the second time sen was chosen.  It was also chosen in 2001, when terrorist attacks in the United States and domestic job cuts were the reasons stated.


  1. An appropriate choice, unfortunately. I pray next year's kanji character will be Peace.

  2. I always think.
    I wish I could write it on a flat surface and show it after it dries.
    After all, it was written by the most important monk at Kiyomizu-dera Temple.
    Just that is great.
    I see it on TV every year, but the ink is dripping.
    It may be unavoidable because it is important to be broadcast live.

    Oops, I have to pay attention to the letters too.
    Like Queenie-san, I hope that peaceful character will be chosen next year.

  3. A perfect choice, unfortunately.

  4. This Kanji doesn't sound as hopeful as is it did in previous years, but I goes it is very fitting!
