
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Lawson's Avatar-Staffed Convenience Store


Lawson is one of the big chain convenience stores in Japan. I read an interesting announcement about its first avatar-staffed store in Tokyo. The store is staffed remotely by employees, which makes it possible for those with mobility issues to join its workforce. With the exception of paying bills, remotely controlled avatars will tend to customers by way of monitors installed at self-serve checkout counters and in product aisles. The employees will be represented by male and female avatars named Aoi or Sorato. The chain expects to open 100 avatar-staffed stores by 2025. 


  1. Can Aoi and Sorato speak English, I wonder? I mean human English and not AI-ish?

  2. Will there be any staff in the shop at all?

  3. I hope jobs are being created in other areas

  4. That sounds like an awesome concept, as long as there is still some staff in attendance to stock and keep things clean. Although knowing the Japanese people, there probably isn't a lot of straightening neccessary!
