
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Do You Want to Live to be 100?

Japan has one of the longest life expectancy rates in the world, and as of September 1, 2022, there were 90,526 people over 100 years living in Japan. According to a nationwide survey conducted by the Japan Hospice Palliative Care Foundation in September 2022, with 1,000 respondents in Japan aged 20 to 79, only 22.0% (16.5% of women and 27.6% of men) said they wanted to live to be 100 or older. 

Reasons given for wanting to live to be 100 years old were: "want to enjoy life for as long as possible" (68.2%), "want to see children and grandchildren maturing and growing up." 


Reasons given for not wanting to live that long included, "don't want to cause problems for others" (59%), "it would be hard physically" (48.2%) and "financial concerns" 36.7%.

Another question on the survey was if they would rather pass on before their spouse of partner, if they could choose. More than 60% of men in all age groups said they would. More women wanted to pass on after their spouse or partner.

I thought this was an interesting survey. Personally, I would like to live as long as I am physically and mentally healthy. What do you think about living past 100 years?


  1. I always thought I wanted to live to 100, just because. However, seeing my parents become so frail in their 90s, I think perhaps 90 is enough.

  2. I have already been to Rome so I can die any day!
    I want to die while I am still 'alive', I don't want to be bedridden and infirm. Why? I am sure I'd be bored, grumpy, and a nuisance to others.

  3. Recently, I heard that the life expectancy is 120 years.
    There was a researcher who believed that DNA research would progress in the near future and that it would be possible to rejuvenate the body.
    To put it in extreme terms, the time will come when people who look like they are in their 50s will actually be 100 years old.

    I don't know how old want to live , but I want to go to the bathro by myself while I'm alive and my greatest wish is to be able to handle diapers by myself need then.

  4. Nope. Not unless I have good health and a healthy income to live on (or be cared for) well.

  5. My grandma is 91 years old now. She struggles with many physical tasks, but is still 'there' mentally. If I can age like her, I don't mind living to 100 years!
    I'm surprised at how many women want to outlive their spouse. It's the reality of life, and women often seem to deal better with being the one left behind, but that is different from actively wanting it to happen.
