
Saturday, September 23, 2023

End of Summer One Thread a Week Challenge

Today is the Autumn Equinox, the end of summer, and the end of my summer challenge that began on June 14th.  So, was it worth it?  Yes!  Here are the projects that I was able to finish the stitching on.  I still need to finish finish half of them, but I'm pleased to have the stitching finished. 

The Apple Pin Cushion 


The House 

Blackwork Sampler 

Buttons and Cross Stitch

The Virgin Queen's Pocket - Betsy Morgan.  

Mt. Fuji Pouch

Mini Nine Patch Quilt 

Quiltwork - Ruth Dilts

Gift Ribbons

Crazy Quilt Ornament

Beaded Nutcracker

Gingham Drawn Thread - Original

Here are the projects that I was able to make significant progress and will continue working on.  

The Scarf 

Dogwood Afghan 

Paisley Purse - Deborah Forney  

Sneek Sampler 

Hardanger Sampler - Linda Driskell

Drawn Thread on Gingham - Second piece


  1. You achieved your goal.
    I feel that the result have been quite fulfilling.
    Many wonderful works.

  2. I imagine it's really satisfyingly to see all the finished projects together. Well done on all you have accomplished during the challenge!

  3. many of these projects had been slumbering for a long time. With a simple One Thread a Week Challenge and three months later, a good chunk of them are completed. The challenge turned out to be very effective. I guess The House is the oldest, is it also the most rewarding to have been completed the stitching on?
    I think the Blackwork cushion is a masterpiece and hope it sits proudly on display in your home.

  4. You had a very productive summer, one thread at a time! Amazing to see what all those threads added up to.

  5. Congrats on all of the great finishes Pamela. Nice progress on the others.


  6. This challenge was a great success for you! Will you try again next year?
