
Saturday, November 4, 2023

People's Choice SAL - Circles


Every month, on the first  Saturday, Jo at Serendipidous Stitching hosts a Stitch A Long, with the topics chosen by her readers. This month's topic is Circles. Here are my circles - - -

The Yo-Yo Shawl

The Yo-Yo Tree 

Beaded Glass Ball Ornaments

The Button Bags

Bag for Shoes

The Heritage Tour Bag

Dorset Buttons


  1. Lots of lovely circular things, but my favourite has to be the yo-yo shawl. It is gorgeous!

  2. It's amazing that we can introduce so many works the title circle. All have beautiful finishes.
    You are the button queen.🙌

  3. Amazing post, I knew I'll find some yoyo works in your post. Those beaded bubble glass are so beautiful. Buttons on bags is a great idea and I'm very curious now to know more about those "Dorset buttons"?? (Love the cachemire shape blue pattern you choose). Bravo. xxx

  4. there are some fabulous and fun projects here and they all are lovely. But big kuudos to your yo-yo shawl. It's just fabulous!

  5. You certainly have worked a lot of circles in your life. The shawl is a real beauty and I am in awe of your beaded glass ball ornaments.
    Actually I think you could add that machine-stitched bowl they are resting in. Surely it is a circle!

  6. Oh, you got a lot of lovely circles out there! The Yoyo-Shawl is amazing, as are all the buttons.

  7. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I absolutely love the yoyo shawl! And all your other clever circular projects.
