
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Work In Progress Wednesday

International Pandas progress - the half stitches and full crosses are getting a little confusing. I have had to do a little unstitching, but it's coming along.

New Start - cross stitch

EGA Drawn Thread Sampler progress - I completed sections 4 and 5.

Section 4 (top in the photo below) is the herringbone stitch. Section 5 (bottom in the photo below) is the chevron stitch.

I hope to have more progress on this project next week.


  1. I wish I had as much time as you seem to have, sigh! My progress is minimal.
    The pandas are very cute, and well worth any unpicking you had to do to get it right.

  2. I'm just loving your pandas! This must be so fun to do!

  3. The panda’s expression is very onice.
    I think it's well worth trying again, as Queenie said.😊

  4. Wow, your sampler really is coming along great!
