
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sano Art Museum, Mishima

After visiting the park and the river, my next stop was the Sano Art Museum in Mishima to see the "Rhythm of Life, Artworks of Fumiko Hori". The exhibit continues through June 9th, 2024, the museum is closed on Thursdays, adult tickets are 1100 yen, and all museum information is in Japanese.  Also, photos are not allowed to be taken in the museum.

A large poster of one of Fumiko Hori's pieces is in the glass window of the museum. It is a wonderful exhibit!

On the museum grounds is a fabulous Japanese garden called Ryusen-en. The front gate and Japanese-style house in the garden are designated as tangible cultural properties by the national government.


  1. Wonderful artwork, garden and weather.

  2. This looks like a beautiful spot for a museum. I love it when a museum has lovely spots like this outside as well as in.

  3. This is an art museum I've been to. About 20 years ago. When I went, there were many famous Japanese swords on display. Fumiko Hori’s poster and garden are both wonderful.

  4. It's nice to combine a museum visit with some time in that gorgeous garden!
