
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Grocery Store Entertainment

Sometimes, I am entertained by things that happen in Japan. Other times, I am the entertainment. Maybe this grocery shopping trip was both.  

I entered the store behind an elderly woman and we both walked toward the carts, but she didn't see me at first.  She pulled out one cart and took the second cart. I took her rejected cart and it surprised her. There was nothing I could see that was wrong with the cart she rejected and I took it.

I nodded at her and moved on to the fruit, with her following me.  I picked up a very small container of blueberries that cost 398 yen. She looked at me, then looked at the price sign, then looked at me again. I said "Oishii to takai desu" (delicious and expensive). She nodded.

She didn't put anything into her cart but continued following me and watching what I put in mine. I chose some sushi in a little container, and she said "Sushi o tabemasu ka?" (You eat sushi?) I said "Hai, daisuke desu." (Yes, I love it.) She said "Honto ni?" (really?) 

She then followed me to the tofu, still with nothing in her cart. I don't have a favorite brand and just picked one with two smaller cartons. She looked at me kind of sideways and made a little pointing gesture to a different one that was about the same price as the one I picked, so I changed. 

At this point, another elderly woman came up (with nothing in her cart) and they started talking so I moved on quickly, kind of laughing to myself.


  1. Lovely to have help in the supermarket!!

  2. We have an expression about being a tourist in your own town. Clearly, at that moment, this lady was a tourist, checking out the sights -- you!

  3. Apparently she thought this clueless gaijin woman needed some help with her shopping! Her behaviour sounds funny and weird, but not malicious.

  4. Am I the only one who burst out laughing after reading this blog?😂
    Leonore is right. They had no malice at all, they just wanted to be kind to Pamela. Maybe they didn't speak English, so they wanted to help Pamela by her and following her and making eye contact.
