
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Grapes, Seiwa Temple, Raikoji Temple, and Yamahachiman Shrine

As I was walking between the temples and shrines I was visiting, I saw many grapes growing. Grapes in the stores where I live are quite expensive.  I see why! Each bunch of grapes hanging down are protected.

Some places even have scarecrows.

I found these three places as I was walking toward the train station. Maybe they aren't so famous, but still very impressive to me.

Seiwa Temple

Raikoji Temple

Yamahachiman Shrine


  1. Grape farmers care for their produce. Most bunches of grapes are individually wrapped in paper bags, or given a 'sunbonnet' for the last period they are on the vine stock. This will protect the grapes from too much sunlight, bugs and scratches from leaves and branches. With so much work, it is not surprising that the grapes are expensive.
    All the holy buildings you show have interesting and pleasing architecture.

  2. There are lots of grapes grown around were a live (mostly for wine making though, not direct consumption). I don't think any are *this* well cared for, though!

  3. Interesting to see the grapes in bags like that.
    You find so many interesting shrines and temples on your travels.

  4. Kofu is a famous production area for producing delicious grapes. I am humbled by the efforts of the farmers.
    The temples you visit have value even if they are not famous. Because you are visiting with a very pure heart and curiosity.😊
