
Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Over 80 Soccer League

Japan is known as a country with one of the oldest populations.  I was interested in a recent news story about a soccer league made up of people 80 and over years of age!

According to the World Health Organization, Japanese people have the longest life expectancy in the world at 84.3 years (81.5 years for men and 86.9 years for women.) Over 10% of the Japanese population is now over 80 years old. Many octogenarians want to remain active, which was why this senior soccer league for players age 80 and over was launched last spring in Tokyo. 

The first season drew 62 players, who were organized into three teams - Red Star, White Bears, and Blue Hawaii. The ages of the players were balanced between the three teams. The 11 players on a side games are held on a standard field, with matches consisting of two 15 minute halves and no limit on substitutions. For safety reasons, shoulder charges and sliding tackles are banned.  In addition, as a precaution, trained staff members are in attendance with automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Games are played monthly, except in July and August because of the heat. I hope I am still able to be as active at 80 as I am now.


  1. It's great to read some GOOD news in between all the depressing stories in the newspaper.
    Go Japan, go!

  2. Hi Pamela: I love this story, they are all so adorable and look so healthy.


  3. That's so cool! I love how they modified the rules and safety arrangments a bit to make the sport accessible for older people.

  4. I would like to focus on a health lifespen rather than being bedridden.
    I like the smiles of older men enjoying soccer.⚽
