Superstar baseball player Shohei Ohtani and wife Mamiko Tanaka announced they are expecting their first child. On Instagram, Ohtani posted “Can’t wait for the little rookie to join our family soon!”, along with a picture of baby shoes, a baby sleep suit, and the family dog, Decoy. In February, Ohtani surprised his fans when he announced he had married Japanese basketball player Tanaka.
At a local Aeon store, I noticed poster size photo calendars of Ohtani sold out quickly. It seems all of Japan is proud of his baseball success and happy about his growing family.
That's a sweet way too announce it. All the best to the young family!
ReplyDeleteThis is good news. Best wishes to the Ohtani family.
ReplyDeleteAll of Japan is paying attention to and supporting Otani. That's why I want to respect his private life other than his announcements.😌