
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Stitch Group Tuesday

Normally we meet on Sundays, but Tuesday was a holiday (Foundation Day), so we met on Tuesday this time. 

One stitcher has a new grand baby, so we talked about the baby and saw pictures. This is the first grand baby of anyone in our group.

This is a Show and Tell piece that just needs some snow on top of Mt. Fuji.

We continued with the yo-yo and felt coaster project.

We chose a new project to start next time.

At the end of our get together, everyone was almost finished with their yo-yo and felt coasters.

Tea time

Next time we will start the new project.


  1. Everyone seems to enjoy making Suffolk Puffs. I am sure the coasters will be thoroughly used. They would look great under a tall vase with flowers, wouldn't they?

  2. Those coasters are so fun and colour ful! Are you going to make something for your group member's grand baby, as well?
