
Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Little Toolie Tour (Part 2)

Thank you for coming back to see more of my little toolies.

This Longaberger Basket set was a Susan Greening Davis class in Raleigh. The needle pouch and scissors fob were part of the class.  I made up the pin keep and needle threader with leftovers from the kit.  We made pockets on the inside of the basket, with the names of the items stitched in cross stitch over one. The basket is normally filled with all kinds of stitching necessities. It's easy to take along and holds quite a bit for being small.

This set was a class at the Chicago EGA national seminar that I finished this year, since I’ve been in Japan.  There is a needle book, a scissors cover, and a thimble holder.  I don’t often use thimbles so I put thread I’m using for a small project inside.

The Secret Garden was a class taught by Lauren Sauer at an Indianapolis Chapter EGA retreat held at Clifty Falls State Park.  It took a few years to finish it but I am really happy with it now that it is finished.  I like the little pockets for scissors and other small things and especially the needles behind the garden gate.

This quilted triangular bag was a gift from my friend Anne and is currently holding scissors.

I made this envelope at a class at the Paducah Quilt Show one year.

Can you tell this was once a pot holder? It’s full of stuff so it’s hard to tell. It was a gift from my friend Rhoda.

My friend Charlie gave me this little hardanger box made from an Altoid tin.  It holds tiny toolies.


This Heritage Tour bag was also finish this year and was from a trip to Williamsburg Virgina with Susan Greening Davis.

This looks like a giant blue pin cushion, but the top comes off and it holds lots of small things.  It was also a gift from Rhoda.

The Ice Cream and Cupcakes tuffet and bag was finished earlier this year and was from a Myrtle Beach retreat weekend with Susan Greening Davis.

I have more little toolies, but I've saved some for tomorrow.  Please come back.

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