
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Little Toolie Tour

You may have already figured out that I like little stitching toolies. For most things in my life, less is better, but not for the little toolies.  I have many projects and like to have the scissors and other tools ready in whatever project I decide to work on, all together. I’ve tried to gather up and photograph them to show to you.

This Beehive scissors fob is my favorite. This one was a guild project when I was in the Indianapolis EGA chapter.  I’ve made more of these beehives as gifts.  The hive is made up of buttonhole stitches.  A charm for the bee and a few tiny silk ribbon flowers completes the fob.

This hardanger fob and cover was an EGA correspondence course when I was with the Indy chapter, although I didn’t finish it until about ten years later in 2007.

This Elegant Emery was stitched this year, since I’ve been in Japan.

This ribbon and bead fob was a gift from my friend Jeanette (who is in the Indy chapter).  It’s gotten a lot of use and is looking a little worn.

These two cross stitch scissor covers hold larger scissors. I bought them at JoAnn Fabric many years ago and added the little bit of cross stitch.

This tiny pair of scissors was a gift from my friend Rhoda.  Have you ever seen such tiny scissors?

I made this cross stitch spool chatelaine in 1997.  It is banded 14 count aida.  One end has scissors and the other a little lavender doll.

This scissor fob is a Denise Pratt design, made up of triangular eyelets with overdyed floss and beads. I've made more of these as gifts.

I often wear this little clover cutter on a ribbon around my neck when I travel, although I think it is now banned on US flights, too.  Short scissors are supposed to be allowed, but I don’t want to chance getting my scissors taken away at security.

This bead and ribbon scissor fob and cover was a little kit I bought at Hobby Lobby, on sale I’m sure.  It has a string so it can be worn around the neck.
That's enough for today.  Please come back tomorrow to see more little toolies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pamela, tools and needlework hussifs seem to abound in my stitching collection too. Some I use and some I don't but I enjoy making them all.
