
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Beginning Jubilation

I’m very good at starting new stitching projects. I don’t know what it is about a blank piece of fabric or canvas that calls me. Yesterday I started a new stitching project.  Yes, I know I have a hundred other projects that need to be worked on and finished. I looked at this one and before I knew it, the fabric was in the hoop and the thread in the needle.

This design, named Jubilation, is by Denise Harrington Pratt.  I had a class with her at the Carolinas Region Seminar at Ridgecrest a couple of years ago (and no, I haven’t finished that project yet). She is an excellent teacher and her directions and diagrams are clear and easy to follow.   I bought the Jubilation kit, which includes the directions, 28 count pale blue linen, three colors of silk thread and some kreinik #4 braid, plus the handmade paper covered box that the finished needle work will sit on.

Here’s what I’ve done so far.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. I'll be watching the progress on this one as I love boxes.
