
Monday, February 4, 2013

End of the Semester and Huck Weaving Finish

All that’s left in my English class this semester is to grade the final exams.  I really hate that the semester (and the school year) is coming to an end.  I’ve enjoyed my students so much. The new school year with new students starts in April.

I gave a couple of extra credit questions on the exam based on the American culture activities in class.  One of the questions was “Where does Santa Claus live?”  No one answered the North Pole, but there were some good guesses – Sweden, Finland, Ireland, America.  Two people answered in an apartment near the university, referring to Ted coming to class in the Santa suit.  My favorite was the person who answered “in the hearts of children”.

We hadn't had any measurable snow in over a week and yesterday was a blizzard. The night before there was an earthquake (6.9) in Hokkaido.  I don't think the two were connected, but I never really know about these things.

I finished the two beginner huck weaving kitchen towels. They were fun to work on and not at all difficult. I unraveled a few rows to make a little fringe and they are done.

Hanging in my kitchen, ready to go to work.

1 comment:

  1. We have a mini workshop at Guild this month on Huck Weaving. I think I will give it a try - hope it's not too difficult.
