
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday Afternoon Stitching

I haven’t posted much stitching lately because I haven’t had much to post about.  Alicia came over Friday afternoon to stitch and talk.  She finished her pink point card holder and I worked on the letter “O” on my blackwork alphabet sampler.

(I know, you are thinking I still don’t have much to post about!   I really hope to get back into my stitching routine soon.)


  1. Never fear, you're by no means the only one with little stitching to post about! October hasn't been a good needle month for me either!

  2. Just take a stitch a time when you find the energy, joy and time to do so. There should be no pressure in our enjoyment, right!
    With all the point cards one can get in Japan a special case is a good idea, especially when it is as stylish as Alicia's.
