
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Home Alone

Ted left at 6 am yesterday with his Aikido group to spend two days at a workshop in the north of Hokkaido near Wakkanai.  In addition to practicing Aikido, the time away gives the group a chance to hang out together and eat well.  I think it’s the equivalent of my stitching group in the US going to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. (As Ted was heading out the door, one of our neighbors – a young, single professor in Ted’s department, was just getting home for the night. I remember being so young!)

I had a good day yesterday.  I did a little housework, worked on my quilt some, studied Japanese a bit, and took a walk.


It looks like I’ll be doing more of the same today.


  1. I think a day with many elements is a good day; we need variety and often achieve more if we take small breaks from a long task. Your kanji writing is so neat, I envy you!

  2. Lovely picture post. It's good to have some time to yourself.

  3. Love your photos, such pretty colours. Your hexagons are looking great too, wish I could get started on mine, but with Christmas stitching to do, just no time.

  4. wow, what a beautiful area you live in. The Kanji charts reminds me of my time spent learning Japanese. I would fill pages and pages with the same character written over again trying to learn it!
