
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Stitch Ideas

I've been asked about the stitches I use for my crazy quilt and embellishing.  I have some in my head that I've learned over the years.  I also use three sources frequently. One is online - The Stitch Dictionary at Pintangle.  Check it out for examples as well as how to do the stitches.  Two others are these small books - Judith Baker Montano's Elegant Stitches and Coats & Clark's One Hundred Embroidery Stitches, a 34 page booklet I've had since I was in high school (note - it cost 50 cents new!)  

What are your favorite sources for crazy quilt stitches?


  1. I love the Elegant Stitches book. But if I need stumpwork, I turn to Jane Nicolas...

    1. I agree about stumpwork. I love her dragonfly book.

  2. I have a number of stitch dictionaries to refer to. Sometimes I don't like (or understand) the instructions or the illustrations. Ms Totsuka, a Japanese stitch guru, publish fantastically clear instructions, but she stitches AWAY from her and I need to turn the book upside down to 'get it'. I think my absolute favourite is Betty Barnden's The Embroidery Stitch Bible published by Search Press. Then again Sharon Boggon's stitch dictionary on Pintangle is a great collection of stitches.

  3. Looks interesting. Thank you for the resources.

  4. I have lots of stitch reference books. It seems I like each of them for a different reason. When I can't figure it out I resort to UTube to view a video which usually clarifies any question I had.
