
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Work In Progress Wednesday - More Pink Please

I spent quite a bit of my stitching time this week on the pink block. I know that some crazy quilters plan out the block and the stitches ahead of time.  Not me.  I add what I think of as it progresses, no planning.  Sometimes what I stitch depends on how long the piece of thread I'm using is or how many beads I have.  I often stitch with the leftovers from other projects.  

I'm pleased with how this is coming along.


  1. I like the way your block is coming along. I too like to work serendipitously with no plan other than to pack in as much stitch as I can! xx

  2. And so you should be! It's a beautiful crazy quilt block. The idea of using up left overs from other projects is perfect for cq.

  3. Your crazy block looks great.

  4. This is lovely, such a pretty colour and great stitching.
