
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Beady Panda Start

I bought this bead panda fob kit last year. Even though I have a lot of other things to work on, I started working on this. (Does anyone else start new projects when there are a hundred started already?) I almost have the top half done.  The directions are in Japanese, but the diagrams are great, so it's okay to be illiterate.


  1. Beads! Looks like you're off to a good start.
    Yes, I start new projects before the others are finished.
    Maybe I like the challenge of balancing and fretting over many projects.
    The planning the dreaming.

  2. lol yep all the time Pamela,this is a cute design,enjoy xx

  3. Yep, I still start a project before another one is done. However, now that the years are creeping up on me, I am much better about finishing what I start and significantly cutting down on my UFOs. I absolutely adore that little panda bead project. Have a great week! Andrea

  4. Oh, gosh! Yes! I'm always starting new projects ..... too many to mention! When I remember them I will get back to them and finish them ..... one day!! Tee, hee! And if I don't finish them it doesn't really matter, they made me happy at the time, eh!?!
    Absolutely love the Panda, Pamela.
    Barbara x

  5. Yipp - I always start something new despite my 100 other projects. Need to keep challenging my brain. The panda is adorable!!

  6. I don't usually have too many "hobby" projects started at the same time, but I sure do have too many "house" projects started at the same time. I finally picked up the darned Cupcake Quilt to work on and I DO have a new bead project in mind. Just waiting on an Amazon shipment to arrive.
    XX, Carol

  7. I feel tempted all the time to start new projects and have to control my urge to buy new kits or patterns. Like Andrea I want to cut down on what I have going and what I have left in my stash.

  8. I do that all the time, but only for projects that I know will finish quickly. If it's a big project I try to resist the temptation.

  9. Me too, I am always off to start on new projects, but am trying to get some finishes done too, says me having bought a new quilt pattern today!!!

  10. Starting a new project is always a big temptation for me. Always. Sometimes I restrain but I usually start the new project.
    Great start that you had here on the sweet panda.

  11. I certainly do! Sometimes you just need that something that your current projects can't give you. Great start!
